Leiluy Nishmat has established a Kollel for this purpose. Our Avreichim, all serious scholars, study Mishnayot each day for the souls of the Niftarim. You can dedicate Mishnayot learning for the full year of mourning or learning the entire Mishna Sha"s on the day of the yahrzeit for the uplifting of the souls of your loved ones. As the holy Ar"I wrote: "and this is the greatest thing you can do for the Neshama, because Mishna is the same letters as Neshama"
Choose the study session you desire
הזמנת מנין לקבר
Study by the Aleph Beit letters of the Niftar’s name + study of Masechta Mikvaot
Dedicate a day of study + Siyum of Sha”s Mishnayot every month through the first year
$2 400.00
Mishna study every day for a year
A chapter of Mishna study every day for a year
$1 200.00
Sha”s Mishnayot every month through the first year
$12 000.00
Seder Taharot
Seder Kodshim
Seder Nezikin
Seder Nashim
Seder Mo’ed
Sha”s Mishnayot through the first 12 months and Siyum of entire Sha”s Mishnayot by the first Yahrzeit.
Siyum of Sha”s Mishnayot in one day – the day of Yahrzeit
Seder Zraim
רוצה להנציח את הוריך בדרך הטובה ביותר?
השאירו פרטים ונציגנו יחזור אליך בהקדם!
donate for Iluy Neshama of your dear ones
All donations dedicated solely to upholding Torah study